Wednesday, February 13, 2008


That is all I can keep saying is "Ow". I woke up this morning ready to go to the "Bootcamp" class I signed up for. I found myself looking forward to a getting on my bike over the bootcamp class this morning. I arrived at the class and was feeling pretty good. During the class I began to feel sore, especially in some of the positions we were holding. After an hour of the bootcamp only my calves was sore. However ever since I have been sitting down at my desk today, getting up from my chair has seemingly become a more difficult task each time. Now this may have something to do with the fact that I "overtrained" yesterday. Riding, lifting weights, and yoga, all in one day, may be a wee bit much:) I guess sometimes I don't know when to stop, yesterday was one of those days, and now my body is telling me stop! Everything from my abs, my back, my arms to my quads are on fire. Maybe I should give up being workout crazy for lent? Nah, that will never work!


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